Newtek Business Services Corp.
UBS Financial Services Inc. offers a platform of insurance product solutions, including Property and Casualty (P&C), through pre-approved Third-Party providers. P&C insurance is an important part of a client's financial plan and protects their assets from financial loss. Doing a periodic insurance review ensures your clients have the proper coverage to protect their assets and provide for wealth preservation.

Newtek, a public company (NASDAQ: NEWT), has been a business lending partner with UBS for 10 years and is an approved provider for P&C product solutions on the UBS platform. By working in collaboration with you and your clients, our goal is to deliver the insurance solutions they need with a concierge level of service.

Newtek will provide your clients a no-cost or obligation review of their insurance coverage including home, auto, business and umbrella.  Newtek is licensed in all 50 states* and works with more than 40 highly rated insurance carriers. Our strong relationships with these top carriers give us the ability to seek out the best options for your clients.

For more information regarding our P&C capabilities, please feel free to call or email me at any time.


Victoria Schiman
Regional Vice President
(646) 889-7026

For Broker Dealer and Plan Sponsor Use Only – Not for Public Distribution
Newtek Insurance Agency and UBS Financial Services Inc. are not affiliated.

*UBS Property and Casualty Insurance offering is not available in Michigan.

Lit. Code: nia/ubs-010-2021